2011年に開設したブランド事業部は当初製品輸入が主体としておりましたが、短サイクルでトレンドが変わる日本市場に合わせ、2014年からライセ ンス契約を主とした事業内容へ方向変換。元々生産背景やノウハウがある為、ブランディング・企画・生産・PRと自社で全て一気貫通できる仕組みが強 みとなり取引先を大きく拡大しております。
2017年、主力ブランドUNIVERSAL OVERALLIにおいては、スタートから一年足らずにも関わらず売場のシェア、PR活動による紙面、及びメディア露出のシェアを一気に拡大。取引先口座数は200社以上にのぼり、更に異業種にも拡販し続けております。大手セレクトショップは勿論の事、SPA業態、地方専門店なども含め全国幅広く取引先を持ち、その営業力とPR力においては競合他社よりもーつ上の機動力が持ち味です。
DREAMWORKS co., ltd. is a company that creates fashion and provides Fun and smiles and influence for customers.
OEM, our main business since established, has own characteristics clearly distinguished from other companies and a strong productivity. As a result, we always maintain the certain sales share with major clients.We have an own inventory of the main textiles, and have been maintaining a mechanism which brings the values to the small lot production, the delivery date, the cost etc. since we started a business.Especially the production of bottoms, including denim, has gained high recognition in the industry, and it is still our main product of OEM which is widely traded today.
In our brand business division established in 2011, we initially did an import business. In 2014, we changed its direction to deal with the license agreements mainly in order to positively respond to the Japanese market where the trend often changes in the short term.As we basically have the know-how and the productivity, it gives us an advantage of doing all of the process of branding, planning, manufacturing, and PR by our own, so that we can widely expand our clients.
As of 2017, our main brand, UNIVERSAL OVERALL COMPANY quickly expands the share of shop floor, and the share of space in the magazine and the media exposure, in spite of less than one year from the inauguration. We have more than 200 business clients, and we continue to expand sales to the different industries.
As well as the major select shops, we have a wide range of business partners such as SPA (Speciality store retailer of Private label Apparel), and regional specialty shops etc, throughout the country. Our mobility which is stronger than the other competitors brings out our characteristics in terms of the sales and PR capabilities.